Alibaba Launches Blockchain-powered Initiative Amid Coronavirus Fears
A number of Alibaba subsidiaries have begun offering solutions that operators hope will help companies trying to do business while the nation battles the coronavirus – including blockchain-powered online “contactless bidding” features.
Per media outlet Crypto Watch, Chinese financial media outlets are reporting that several Alibaba companies are involved in the new drive, including the e-commerce giant’s electronic pay platform Alipay.
The media outlets reportedly say Alipay will make use of blockchain technology-powered solutions in online bidding apps, enabling users to place “contactless” bids on products and services.
Other Alibaba business groups will also look to make use of blockchain technology in their efforts to stop business in the country screeching to a halt in the wake of the devastating coronavirus outbreak.
These include remote work support solutions provider Dingding, as well as Alibaba Cloud and more, all of which say they intend to use new tech solutions to allow businesses in the country to get back to work safely.
Contactless blockchain-powered payment solutions could potentially be adopted by, the food-delivery chain that Alibaba paid just short of USD 10 million for in 2018.
The latest remote work-enabling solutions could also help organizations monitor their employees’ health status and transport, as well as a platform that would allow companies to apply for government permission to reopen their businesses.
Companies are being encouraged to allow employees to work from home wherever possible, and Alibaba Cloud has provided scores of companies with free access to many of its solutions to meet the massive rise in demand.
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