Kadan Stadelmann on The Cosmos Ecosystem and $ATOM Becoming a Top 10 Crypto | Ep. 175

In an exclusive interview with cryptonews.com, Kadan Stadelmann, CTO of Komodo, talks about the Cosmos ecosystem and how $ATOM could become a top 10 crypto.
About Kadan Stadelmann
Kadan Stadelmann is a blockchain developer, operations security expert, and Chief Technology Officer of Komodo. Komodo is a leader in blockchain interoperability and atomic swap technology. Its flagship technology and end-user application are AtomicDEX – a mobile and web-compatible non-custodial multi-coin wallet and atomic swap-powered DEX rolled into one dApp. Kadan strongly identifies with Komodo’s open-source vision and ideology. His dedication to the Komodo project is founded on an unwavering desire to make the world a better place. In addition to cryptography, blockchain technology, and development, Kadan is interested in literature, mathematics, astrophysics, and traveling.
Kadan Stadelmann gave a wide-ranging exclusive interview which you can see below, and we are happy for you to use it for publication provided there is a credit to www.cryptonews.com.
Highlights Of The Interview
- Cosmos ecosystem – a plug and play behemoth.
- Why Cosmos is quietly becoming a major player in the DeFi space, and how their SDK provides significant opportunities for customization and innovation in DeFi.
- $ATOM becoming a top 10 crypto currency and might flip ETH.
- Paying fees on your own token – a unique value prop to Cosmos.
- Komodo’s AtomicDEX – combating the vulnerabilities of cross chain bridges.

Full Transcript Of The Interview
Matt Zahab
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the Cryptonews Podcast. We’re buzzing as always, and today we have Kadan Stadelmann back on the show for round two, the blockchain Developer Operations security expert and Chief Technology Officer of Komodo, a leader in blockchain interoperability, and atomic swap technology. Its flagship tech and user application is the atomic DEX, a mobile and web compatible non-custodial, multi coin wallet and atomic swap powered decentralized exchange rolled into one single, decentralized application. Kadan strongly identifies with Komodo’s opensource vision and ideology, and his dedication to the Komodo project is founded on an unwavering desire to make the world a better place. In addition to cryptography, Blockchain tech and development, Kadan is interested in literature, mathematics, astrophysics, and traveling. Without further ado, I’m very pleased to welcome back to the Cryptonews Podcast, Kadan Stadelmann, mate Welcome back to show.
Kadan Stadelmann
Hey, man, thank you. Thank you so much. Thanks for having me. Again. Pleasure.
Matt Zahab
A very pumped to have you on last time you came on show that was close to I want to say eight, nine months ago and you absolutely brought the noise. First time ever heard of what AtomicDEX was I know you and the team have built quite a bit since then. And the thing that excites me the most is that you were actually one of the people who really got me on to the cosmos ecosystem. $ATOM is probably one of the trendiest blockchains out there right now. And I think that’s a good place to start. Everywhere you go on Twitter, you have all the Guru’s the self proclaimed gurus, the technical analysis dudes got everyone being like, of all the blockchains that have a chance of popping off its Cosmos and its ticker. $ATOM, can you go into why cosmos is quietly becoming such a major player in the DeFi space?
Kadan Stadelmann
Sure, sure. Absolutely. So answer like this question where like, from my perspective, right, like I, I’m, I’m gonna mostly speak in my voice, and the thing was, like, $ATOM with cosmos is and that’s something like I have, like, heavily identified with when I like, first got into it was the vision, right? Like the key ideological aspects of the project, right? Like, they’ve similar like to Komodo, basically, what we’ve done, like what we’ve like, kinda like, preached seven, eight years ago, was like this multi chain, you know, like architecture and that, like, the future is multi chain, right, it’s not going to be like one specific chain one specific protocol is gonna be like many, and what’s more, like important is like, kinda, we got to somehow like, interconnect all these different chains and protocols. And, you know, that kind of really, like, got my attention, it kind of aligned fully, like what we are Komodo ideologically have seen, and kind of, like, you know, felt is like the key goal and target, you know, like, off the kinda, you know, growing like blockchain ecosystems back then. And today, if you look like a cosmos, I mean, it’s a very, very fast growing like, ecosystem. There’s like, multiple key reasons, technologically, but then also kinda like socially, right, from a community perspective as to why I believe that cosmos is really like, great, and one of like, the leading projects out there, right. I mean, it’s all about the community, it’s always been all about the community. And here, you kind of see that they have, like, highly technical community started like building right, like what we today like kinda like identifying see as like, this cosmos ecosystem. And it was also one of the key reasons why we’ve kind of like adopted that technology, the IBC layer, like the cosmos technology, we highlight and defy with it. And, you know, I personally have like a specific case, a specific scenario that I went through, and that kind of, you know, kind of set in stone that we’re going to, like, integrate with Cosmos, and that’s what you like, eventually did.
Matt Zahab
Was it a no brainer from the get go? Like, when did you start really paying attention to this? Because I know you’ve had this decentralized, multi chain, interoperable future vision for a hot minute, but when do you remember the specific point in time where you were like, we’re going all in on this?
Kadan Stadelmann
Must have been around 2017 2018 around like that timeframe, when I first like looked into the code bases of it, and I have like to lie, but I think around 218 to 19 when myself and a few like teammates, we started playing with the cosmos SDK again, you know, look deeper into like, the tender because when we realized the modular, like stack, it kinda like represented that you kind of like have your chain, but then it gives like this crazy kind configuration options and possibilities right that with other blockchain protocols you kinda like have like to develop everything again right like set up a new smart contract etc etc with Cosmos I was really like this kind of like hot plug and play experience and yeah that was that was really like the moment like for me from really like a Deaf perspective looking at a really I was trying to distinguish between market and tech and I mean in 2008 I mean ICO you know like contributor like investor as like you know got into like cosmos like super early then with the airdrop mania over the last one was like 18 months or so. I mean that’s like another like super positive aspect of cosmos of $ATOM as such it almost feels like you’ve invested into an incubator like platform and like whatever is launching on top of it it’s gonna make you like a co owner of that new like project or new product and it’s really been amazing over the last like 12-18 months what was right like I mean I’m sure you’ve like experienced that the same right like it was one AirDrop after another it’s not just like you know, sorry my virgin you know, shit coins and tokens like yeah, Rob, but no, it’s actually projects that actually build something like essential for the ecosystem. That’s what I really love about Cosmos and $ATOM right? First of all, of course, the things I’ve just mentioned itself has a great technological layer right? No question. It’s like amazing. But then looking like further like beyond $ATOM like Cosmos itself, you start realizing what kind of like top tier like projects are building on top of it. And yeah, that’s again brings me back to this like incubator, you know, experience that we’re all here kind of facing.
Matt Zahab
So, present day, $ATOM, if I head on over to coin market cap and coin Gecko, $ATOM, which is Cosmos is ranked 22. Out of the whatever 15 20,000 coins that we have. It’s ranked 22. And on the present day of recording, the price is $12.29 US per $ATOM. Where do you think that’ll be at the end? The year a couple years down the road? Does this have a chance to crack the top five? Will this ever be more prominent than a buy Nance? Obviously, it’s gonna be very tough to crack Bitcoin and ETH and obviously, the stable coins but as such a special ecosystem? Does this have a chance?
Kadan Stadelmann
So obviously, that’s like no financial advice, right? And to everyone listening right now, I mean, naturally invest like more than you’re willing like to lose eventually, when essentially, that’s like the golden rule of crypto, but really looking at it, you know, and giving them kind of like smart prediction to where I see this heading from a market perspective, and really NFA right no financial advice. I definitely think like, you know, with its deflationary mechanisms, and like the plans and the goals and where this is like heading, I think like that Cosmos definitely has a huge potential. I think it’s kinda like the beginning to be honest with you. I think it’s great, like the asset itself, right? It’s like capped, right, there’s like hard limits in the code bases, etc, etc. It also kinda like feels they’re not just like throwing tokens out of thin air, but there’s actual like, like operations taking place. You know, there’s multiple factors really, that I’m looking at, like Cosmos from kinda like economic, socio economic perspective, financial perspective, I think the potential is as high as its technological potential, right. And that’s, like, immense, that’s like huge. That’s one of the rare blockchain protocols where I say, there’s quality right happening right there. It’s not just like some, you know, blah, blah, crap. And like some vaporware, but it’s actually like solid tech. And if we take that technological factor and kind of try to map that over to the market value to the, to the, you know, like economic factor of like Cosmos, I mean, I personally know not, not financial advice, but I I say it should have already been at like top 10. At least, you know what I mean? Like, I mean, it’s obvious and is a very fast growing ecosystem. I’ve been like at blockchain events, like from other top players in the space, right speaking like top five top 10, Blockchain protocols and projects that even run their own centralized exchanges, etc, etc. I’m not going to like call any of these out. And there’s like projects who’ve been lucky to talk with us. And they said, man, we’re actually looking to get out of this. Because not happy, like from a tech factor, etc perspective. And then with Cosmos, you see that you’re kind of not forced into a specific technological stack, right? When it comes to writing smart contracts. For example, if you’re looking at customers, we have EVM OS, right? People familiar with EVM stack can build on top of it. But then we have we also have like, you know, custom version. So if you want to, like build on a really solid like tech stack, like rust, you can do so like this client kinda like flexibility from like a platform, a framework perspective. I mean, that highlights like the power of like the cosmos SDK, and I predict that a lot of like other big players in the space who already built, let’s say, on the ERC, are on a BP standard are so they not just might, but I’m certain that there is going to be many migrations over to Cosmos. Well we miss right now is, for example, easy migration tool, you have a Yoshi project, take the smart contract address or pub key of this project, type it into a mice like webform. And it migrates it straight into like a Cosmos chain. You know, this kinda like thing. So let’s go on and come right. But again, just like to answer the question, because I’m already like shifting off a bit like off topic. Sorry for that is, I definitely like see this one climbing up higher, and it might flip the one or other protocol, many wouldn’t have expected it.
Matt Zahab
You’d think it might flip ETH?
Kadan Stadelmann
Well, I haven’t like called the name out. But with ETH. Let me just like, give you my perspective, is that I believe that ETH honestly kind of turned almost into a blockchain standard without a formal standardization process. If I look into like other big players, companies, players that haven’t engaged much with Blockchain tech, if they consider like building something on blockchain stack, or do something or hire someone with that specific knowledge, in 90% of cases is going to be like EVM. Yeah, it’s gonna be ETH it’s gonna be like solidity. Right? That’s just reality. So in that specific regard, I’m not sure if he’s going to have the economic power to quickly flip it because ETH as such has a much higher economic value, right, packed into the protocol into the project, like intellectual liquidity pools of the various like tools and, and DeFi stacks. So, I mean, that’s a tough one, right? I don’t say it’s, like, impossible, and the potential is definitely there, right. 100%. But it I think it needs like another like, step one to like, bigger milestones, you know, towards that goal? Because ETH again, like, it’s almost like a political question. You know what I mean?
Matt Zahab
No, it’s, it’s very true, it’s very true. So let’s just let’s summarize $ATOM, very quickly here for the non technical people. And heck, I’ll throw myself in that bucket. The thing that separates Cosmos from the other blockchains and cryptocurrencies, is its ability to be as interoperable as can be, and its ability to become a major player in the DeFi space and its ability to allow other blockchains to bridge over to whatever one they want via Cosmos. But would that be a little summation?
Kadan Stadelmann
Yeah, kinda, I mean, that’s like really one good, like, you know, kind of description or select from the tech factor. One thing I think, which like caught my attention, also, like for Cosmos, while you mentioned, this, again, is like that, you know, I’m able to build like, an independent chain on top of Cosmos. And for my specific chain operations, you could like pay the fees in my specific chain token, is something that’s not possible with ETH, man, you’re trapped into like a text ative system that kind of keeps growing right in terms of expenses, exponentially, not just like, proportionally, it’s actual exponentially in regards to the actual utilization. So the more players so the better the protocol becomes, the more utility it has, and more usage, the more expensive it gets. And that shouldn’t be the case, while with Cosmos, it’s like kinda like the opposite bandwidth grows within the network, we have like more nodes, more players, etc. And I actually don’t pay anything in the specific atomic Cosmos a set. So again, like there’s so many positive like aspects around like Cosmos, and I think over the next hours, we could probably only talk about like, why is it so superior? You know, compared to ETH, but to me, it’s kind of that we’re comparing like, you’re almost apples to what is a really, really good fruit, right? Pineapple. I like pineapple, right? I’m not a big fan of apples. And so it’s like a huge, like, difference between these two things were Cosmos of just like the pineapple, to me.
Matt Zahab
Interesting. That’s a very unique point. And the name itself, Cosmo, it’s, it’s the constellation of blockchains. That’s, you know, I believe what the team and its marketing efforts, that’s how they refer themselves, that’s how they refer to themselves. Cosmos is the constellation of blockchain, sort of, like the internet of blockchains, a federation of city states kind of thing. Is that, is this accurate?
Kadan Stadelmann
Yeah, kinda. I mean, I might even like, called into, like, the universe of blockchains. Right? And because that’s what essentially it is, right? Like, I mean, many, many things have been like, super enhanced like with Cosmos compared to other like, you know, second or third generation protocols. But this ultimate vision, you know, multi chain architecture that’s natively interoperate with each other. That’s a key point. That’s a great sales argument. And then there’s other additional players, you know, in the space, others building additional like interoperability protocols, etc, like us like Comodo, AtomicDEX, right, that kind of further enhance and extend the cosmos SDK capability, right, like so one specific example here. I was at the Cosmo verse right many just couple weeks ago, and month. Prior to that, myself and Tony, like our COO, we kind of like we’re trying to take like just a couple of BTC and transfer them into like cosmos, right as a strategic investment. And we’re kind of like, we’re exploring, okay, which protocol, which shoe are we going to use to execute this? And we already had cost muscles in our roadmap, right? But at that point of time, it wasn’t kinda like prioritize, it was gold Q1 next year. And then we realized, Oh, damn, like, you. I can’t, I could not take, like one point something BTC and just transfer them over into a tool, I would have had to go through some centralized platform, some centralized exchange with KYC, AML. The whole thing, right, like so. Not possible. I mean, there’s people right in Latin America, there’s people in Africa and Southeast Asia, they don’t even have ID, right. They don’t have a residency paper. They can’t prove that they live somewhere, right? People don’t even have birth certificates, right. And these centralized portals always asked for these documents, right. So with AtomicDEX, all this stuff’s just totally obsolete, right? You don’t just don’t need it, right? It’s a pure peer to peer, non custodial tech stack, and you run it natively on your device, right? So we don’t have any insights, no control, etc, etc. Right. So long story short, I couldn’t like you know, like transform like this BTC into like Cosmos and we said, you know, what, we’re just gonna straight integrate the Cosmos interoperability, code support, and just make sure we write it’s covered prior to like, next quarter and, you know, coming year, so we said, Okay, let’s go to the cosmo verse. And let’s actually like, pitch, and let’s demo, let’s showcase this tech stack. And now you can actually take AtomicDEX and enable it basically britches, the IBC stack to all the other like blockchain protocols, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance, you know, as a smart chain, BNB, etc. If you have a tome, and you want to exchange it, or any other Cosmos asset, and you want to exchange it for BTC, for ETH, but a native asset, not some proxy token, or some like, you know, proxy bullshit stuff, just native BTC, you can now do this slide was the AtomicDEX. Right. And one of the key reasons as to why we feel like, you know, implemented this, I mean, obviously, there’s no like comparable tech stack existing. And Cosmos hasn’t really targeted this native interop with like, UTX o chains, that’s basically Bitcoin Litecoin and all these BTC based protocols, right? Same with ETH, BNB, they haven’t really targeted like the interop out of the Cosmos, right. And that’s like, what we’re basically heavily like focusing on because we kind of have this like our ideology, right, the key vision is not just like, you know, bridge and interop like the different like blockchain protocols, but furthermore, like bridge the communities, right, the people in their developers, etc. And we believe like this approach, by doing it with like a technological bridge, has really like worked out with us in the past with multiple projects. And so we’re doing this now with cosmos as well. Just like to start to wrap it up a bit.
Matt Zahab
I love that. Let’s keep buzzing on the toe on Komodo’s AtomicDEX for a second, I get most of it. But I feel like I’m missing a couple pieces here. You guys are really providing an alternative bridging solution to Cosmos, to combat the vulnerabilities of cross chain bridges, right now, whenever you try to bridge coin to coin, blockchain and blockchain, it’s an absolute shitshow, things get lost all the time, things get lost in the fluff, it’s dangerous, there’s tons of hacks you guys are patching and combating the vulnerabilities in cross chain bridges.
Kadan Stadelmann
Exactly, exactly. So I always like to know, can explain this specific, you know, like, kind of scenario as throwing an example, right? Like, if you look at most of the nowadays existing, like cross chain bridges, etc. I mean, one big issue with them is that they’re often like, you know, like smart contract based, you know, on the AMM stack. And what’s like, bad here is that the actual funds, like the liquidity itself, is often like, managed, handled and routed, like in a semi centralized way, right? So you kind of have to give permission to either the protocol, or like the protocol contract deployer or whatsoever or, or the network itself to kind of CO sign or sign transactions. Otherwise, you know, trades just can’t have you would have like to see there is a user 24/7 And whenever there’s some potential like network operation, you’d have to actually sign a key so you know, probably like for the sake of comfort like, less user interaction requirement. They kind of building like the Siemens centralized like solutions and the problem we faced here repeatedly. I mean, this is happening for the last couple years, right? There’s literally billions right in in USD value, just gone, right, hacked, robbed, whatever. It’s just like gone and It’s always like users like me and you end users the average Joe that gets like, you know, really hurt. And these people suffer huge damage. The industry has such suffered damage with the AtomicDEX. And our approach, you know, is that first of all, this is like a third generation technology. We like working on this since 2013 2014. Right before DeFi and many things, many terms actually were coined. One example Binance Academy’s stating referring back to us in our project it’s like the first you know, project that’s executed and automated cross chain and cross protocol atomic swap. And that’s the key difference here is like our decks, our DeFi bridge is based on cross chain atomic swaps. It’s not an AMM, it’s not Sima centralized contracts, there is like an atomic like transaction taking place in a peer to peer fashion between two parties. So let’s say me and you write your two interest trading parties I have BTC you have $ATOM, we want to like exchange them for each other it means this trading operation takes place I want one between me and you there is no like entity between us right there is no like centralized or semi centralized like intermediary, or like a middleman or whatsoever involved in this like transaction. Not even like the protocol itself, right. So protocol will actually just like oversee the trade. And by the fact that it’s based on an atomic swap, I do have like to stand up to the promise I made within our trade, right? If I promise to give you one BTC for an $ATOM, I have to actually like release these coins to you, as otherwise I wouldn’t be able to spend the coins that you send to me. And this means it turns the tech, essentially, I’m scammable or unhackable. Right? So I just cannot like scam someone as you cannot like scam me, right? There might be different, you know, approaches attack scenarios, like tricking someone into a trade with a bad price, you know, these kinds of things. Yeah, like additional like attacks. But a real cryptographic attack in terms of you know, getting hacked, or someone’s suffering loss is not possible with the AtomicDEX. And that that’s something that applies to all the assets that we support and work with, right, that’s roughly 99% of all coins and tokens from coin market cap are fully supported by the AtomicDEX. And the AtomicDEX. It’s really it’s not just like kinda a lot of people asked me on what protocol did you build? And I tried to say, Look, we’re not just like one smart contract. We’re essentially dozens of smart contracts of different protocols interconnected with each other through a unique independent peer to peer network. And that network is AtomicDEX, right? That’s why it’s not hackable. It’s not just a single, like smart contract. And it’s truly noncustodial. So whatever operation you execute with the AtomicDEX, you as an end user are always the one who’s got full control over the assets. I mean, remember, not your keys, not your clients, right? It’s just a logical thing. Yeah.
Matt Zahab
Bingo. Kadan, you’re on a roll, we got to take a little break here. And when we get back, we are going to keep buzzin on your analogy, which I saw on Twitter the other day, the metaphor regarding the peer to peer architect server change, and we’re going to get into that in one second. But before we do, we got to give a huge shout out to the sponsor of the show, and that’s PrimeXBT. The GOAT PrimeXBT is absolutely incredible as they offer a robust trading system for both beginners and professional traders. Doesn’t matter if you’re a rookie or a vet, you can easily design and customize your layouts and widgets to best fit your trading style. PrimeXBT is also running an exclusive promotion for listeners of the Cryptonews Podcast. Use the promo code CRYPTONEWS50, that’s CRYPTONEWS50 to receive 50% That is five zero, 50% of your deposit credited to your trading account. Again, that is CRYPTONEWS50 to receive 50% your deposit credited to your trading account, now back to the show with Kadan. Okay, the other day on Twitter, you had a Twitter thread and it was a metaphor that explained the paradigm shift from the client server architecture to peer to peer and that is the pretty much the same thing as the change from slave-based Rome to Western feudal societies because they also had trouble scaling. I love that and I cannot have you on the pod without asking you to dive into that a little bit more.
Kadan Stadelmann
Sure. Sure. Absolutely. So before we get like into the point of the actual kinda like paradigm shift of like the internet architecture, I’d like to like highlight one like aspect right off of our like World Wide Web the weights build etc just like a couple few minutes on this cuz I think it’s like highly essential just like look at nowadays internet and then on all these you know, Blockchain protocols, all these different tools, all the peer to peer technologies, regardless if they are actually like blockchain technologies, or if it’s like something else, right file sharing, you know, routing protocols, etc. So let’s just look at that you will quickly realize that no matter how decentralized and how peer to peer, a specific software or a specific blockchain or a specific tool actually is, really no matter how, like decentralized he claims to be at the end of the day, it runs on 100% centralized infrastructure, that’s a, like regulated and controlled by like governmentally like regulated like, you know, like organizations and institutions and companies, right. We have ISPs, global DNS providers, cetera, et cetera. So the tech that we think is like, so highly, like decentralized is actually like running on a super centralized stack. I mean, that’s like one very, like, big, big aspect on what’s following next. Second thing is like, the technology itself is outdated. It really is not just in terms of like physical infrastructure. So if you look at it mean, there’s a lot of like, debates going on, right, like controversial discussions, you know, on a governmental level with different like, you know, network providers, telecommunication providers, etc. And we realize, okay, it’s all outdated old cables, all the infrastructure, old server environments, it’s, it’s pretty much like outdated, and they’re upgrading it, but then comes like, the next big point, if you look at Bitcoin, if you look at like, you know, even like all the other like, you know, decentralized technologies that we have out there, file sharing, etcetera. They are built on technology, they are using, you know, specific, like, let’s say programming languages, specific libraries, that are just as outdated and old as the infrastructure, right? We’re talking about technologies that are like from 20-30 years ago. So the tech itself, right? If we look at Bitcoin, Bitcoin itself as a use case, or $ATOM, Cosmos as use case, right? They are using data types, cryptographic algorithms, just technologies that were not designed and constipated for blockchain technology. As such, it was stuff that wasn’t really designed with these use cases in mind. So I, I tend to say that it’s kind of incompatible with each other. A truly peer to peer decentralized world, really looking into speaking about web3, right? Looking at web3, I believe our intranet, our infrastructure, even the technology, the coding languages, the data types, I think it’s not there, I think it’s not compatible, it’s not kind of mature enough to provide a solid basis for the web3. And for a truly decentralized web, yes, like in this like Twitter thread. And we and we regularly highlight, I mean, that’s a logical, like evolution, development of technology of the internet, it’s gonna be purely peer to peer based, but, you know, we gotta, we gotta mature, we need a new generation of computers, that can come with a new generation of like coding languages, new generation of low level technology stacks, because right now, if you look at this very centralized world, you know, with the client server architecture, then you’d realize that actually, no, there’s so much like resources out there, but we and our internet are extremely inefficient, how much like, you know, art, how much of these devices how much how much computational power is idling, just right now, not being used at all right? So it’s like super bad super poor, the entire architecture is like poor, but having like, a new generation, a new era of tech, where, let’s say, you know, there’s just native automated kind of distribution of computational power across the network, to kind of balance everything out, it will just like turn the internet kinda like modern architecture. And I think that would make us ready for a real peer to peer decentralized, you know, like tech shift, kind of a next evolutionary step. And I tend even to say that, who knows if this new computer architecture is not going to be the human brain, there’s multiple companies working on proper neural interfaces. So that would actually be opportunity for some, you know, kind of collective minds and internet that’s really next generation that actually can help our species to kind of like push things to the next level. Right.
Matt Zahab
That’s an absolute banana stuff. Caden, this has been an absolute treat, and we’re getting a slight bit tight for time here. Before we get into the super fun stuff, aka the hot takes, what else is on Komodo’s roadmap for the remainder of 2022 that you would like people to be aware of?
Kadan Stadelmann
Okay, sure. So our dev team core dev team is currently like finalizing like hardware wallet as well as kind of like HD wallet support. So what this means is that you will essentially be able like to use your ledger to reservoir hardware, wallet devices and others to like login, authenticate with the AtomicDEX and kinda have even less trust required to use the tech right now. I mean, it’s open source, it’s non custodial. But users might be just like scared, or you might actually like use the trusted and secure AtomicDEX. But to have an infiltrated computer with Trojans and malware, whatever. So using the hardware wallet will basically preclude an attack on a software level. It’s kinda like the last level the highest level of security, the HD wallet integration basically means that the AtomicDEX will be compatible with all the other like wallets out there in the space, right, that’s like one big like addition. The team is also like working on like Metamask Kappeler integration so that you’ll be able to use Kappeler or Metamask or other like web3 wallets to actually connect and authenticate with the AtomicDEX. These are like some of like, the bigger things I mean, we have like full $ATOM compatibility rolling out. One, there’s a few like other like roadmap items coming like towards the end of this year, early coming year, such as like web decks, release, etc. So there’s like a lot, just stay tuned and there’s much, much more coming.
Matt Zahab
I love it. Kadan, let’s jump in the hot take factory. What kind of hot takes Do you have? I know you got a bunch. You are very well read. You’d love your literature, math, astrophysics and traveling give me some hot takes maybe your most underrated country, or city you’ve ever been to potentially something banana lands up in the up in space regarding astrophysics? Maybe some literature math, give me a couple of hot takes that you have.
Kadan Stadelmann
Sure, sure. I love that one. Good. Concerning the first one, right, like hottest country. So I mean, I’ve traveled a lot, a lot of things. I mean, often you’re surprised, right? new cultures, etc. One thing that’s really like kind of impressed and surprised me was the journey to Colombia to many in for the cosmoverse. So the big deal here is I mean, you can’t go to this country, you know, with this stereotype kind of expectation. You know, like it starts with the airport. We were expecting like heavy guys with like, you know, military machine gun dudes drop dogs, canines everywhere, but it was literally we arrived in Medellin, Colombia. And like five minutes or so later, we were like out like five to 10 minutes later, we were literally at the taxi spot, like the cab spot. We went back to the city, it was like ultra modern. I mean, I had like 150 160 megabit native connection on the Wi Fi for the hotel, and I was expecting some shitty internet. I mean, the backbone. Look, it is literally like kinda like the tech hub of Latin America. Now, I’ve talked with a few like natives locals from there. And they’ve told me Look, what happened is 20-25 years ago, the narcos basically gave all these poor families money, all these big drug cartels literally funded the poor, and told them, Look, put your kids in good schools, put them to high school, make them go to college, they gotta become engineers, right? doctors, scientists, etc. Just get them into the academic circles and so on. And now 20-30 years later, you can literally see these people built up the country, right? I mean, it’s crazy. And that’s what I loved about it. You know, I was tired, like in schedule. But, you know, if I wouldn’t have had like to return to Europe, I would have stayed there and spend at least a couple of months just like to get to know more. But from also tech startup perspective, man, it’s just like, genius, really amazing, like high quality stuff going on there. So that’s something I can just like, recommend everyone for specific from the crypto space uniform, if you kinda like anarchistic and you know, kinda share this, you know, few on you know, liberalism, freedom, give that like a check, just give it like, just hit it up. Like really, really, really like verse verse, checking it out. Let’s have one hot take on the travel part. On the astrophysics part, right on universe, I mean, you know, in quite regular intervals, you know, I have like a Dunkin experiments, conversation discussions with friends with family with why my wife, you know, one of these like key items is just myself us, right? If I stand in front of the mirror, look at myself, I’m just like, What the fuck is this? Right? Like, what the fuck am I doing here? My name, you know, sort of my wording, but I mean, our species me as such as human. Also, if you look at like human history and breeding, the part that’s really, you know, properly written down the part where we’ve kinda like, kind of had the biggest, it’s the biggest milestones. It’s such a short timeframe, right? They claim a couple billion years existence, but then we look at just a couple of 100 years that actually make out the essential part of our like, human history. And that kind of gives me like, so many questions. So I tried to question everything always and all the time, right. And one good part of your one key takeaway is that I had a conversation with a great friend from Zurich, Switzerland, he’s an academic circle works there, his astrophysics and he told me, man, you know, we all bubble you know, like a big bang here and theory here and these that, but in fact, there’s like one big item that we all kind of have a common opinion about. And that’s like, you know, the big bang, we kind of can’t sit we fight, right, we mainly agree that there’s something like that that has happened, but what was like prior to that, right? How would you explain state without space and time, and that you then actually have something, you know, get created off of? There’s multiple theories, but that’s kind of like the common opinion is that we don’t know, right? We do not know. So I always try to remind myself again, that we know shit. We don’t even know the key aspects of our like species. We literally know nothing, right? I guess most of us like kinda like, get this, okay, just like some genetic lottery universal genetic lottery. And this is just like, what came out of it, right. But again, that’s a highly interesting part for me, you know, just like our existence, you know, like the human species. And then in regards like to, to kind of like the Genesis, the creation of like, our species off our planet, you know, there’s multiple theories. And it just fascinates me that. In fact, we don’t know what’s been before and that’s like one key takeaway I tried. It’s a very basic one, right? But it can eat a lot of like, brain operations and brain computational power. If you start thinking about it.
Matt Zahab
No, that’s. You blew my mind there. That’s some absolutely crazy shit. Kadan what a treat man. I guess I do want to ask you a couple more things about Medellin there. One, is it safe? I’ve heard that it’s a lot better than it was. It’s on my bucket list. I’d love to go is it safe? Would you live there? Is it worth it? And two, how was Cosmoverse? The other thing I heard was that a lot of people were wearing crypto shirts around and we’re getting advised not to for obvious reasons. You’re just a walking target. So lumping all those three into one How was it? Was it safe to see a lot of people wearing crypto shirts? And they probably shouldn’t have? How was that whole experience?
Kadan Stadelmann
So I’d say yes, safety? Absolutely. Like top safe country. I mean, I know districts in like in the Netherlands, in Austria in Germany, Viana whatsoever, were probably much less safe and secure then like Medellin, which bin out alone, right in the night. Not even like in a group I’ve had like some female colleagues and friends. They’re on their own ice been running around crypto shirts, like 24/7 like nonstop, literally, not just like shirts, and socks caps. The whole thing, right? Like that’s all over? Yeah, absolutely. No, no concern. I would live there. Like immediately really, again, if I wouldn’t have like, you know, like certain responsibilities here in Europe like family and office and everything. I would have stayed there I might have considered like staying long term because it’s just like amazing. Cosmoverse itself, the event was great. So participants, talks panel thought everything was just great. It was amazing. From not just you know, like kinda like, visitor and exit vision or like perspective, but also from an organizational perspective. They’ve done a great job. You know, everything was set prepared. You’ve had like, great, you know, also like security level on in that regard, right, like a lot of like security’s proper like back controls. So just felt good. It felt like well organized. So overall, like really, really, really great.
Matt Zahab
What a treat. Wow shout out Medellin. And yeah, that looks absolutely incredible. Kadan, what an episode man love having you on very pumped that I got to have you on for round two. And looking forward to round three super proud of you and the team at Komodo with the AtomicDEX. And you guys being well ahead of the curve with the Cosmos ecosystem, and of course, $ATOM. Thanks again, man. Appreciate it. Before we let you go, can you please let our listeners know where they can find you and Komodo online and on socials?
Kadan Stadelmann
Sure, absolutely. Um, first of all, thank you. Thank you for your time and having me again here. You can find me on there @0xca333 on Twitter. And we also have like AtomicDEX and Komodo platform on Twitter.
Matt Zahab
Lovely. I will tag you in everything as well, mate, the pleasure. Hopefully we can meet each other in person soon. And wishing you and the team are the best until the next time we speak.
Kadan Stadelmann
Thanks. Thanks, man. Thanks a lot. And yeah, hope to speak soon again. Thank you. Take care.
Matt Zahab
Folks. We’re in episode with Kadan Stadelmann, the CTO at Komodo and their AtomicDEX. Love to hear it what an episode. Kadan drop knowledge bombs left right and center and just this is going to be one I’m gonna have to replay on a walk so much about the $ATOM ecosystem or the Cosmos ecosystem that we learned and with how prominent this chain variable can become. This one will be a treat for the long term folks if you enjoyed this one, I hope you did. Please do subscribe. It would mean the world to my team and I speak to the team love you guys and to listeners. Love you so much. Keep on growing your bags and keep on staying healthy, wealthy and happy bye for now and we’ll talk soon.
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