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Bitcoin Is Back Above USD 15,000 For The First Time Since January 2018

Linas Kmieliauskas
Last updated: | 2 min read

It took around a day for the most popular cryptocurrency, bitcoin (BTC), to jump from USD 14,000 to above USD 15,000 for the first time since January 2018.

Source: Adobe/RomanVX

At pixel time (16:03 UTC), BTC trades at USD 15,042 and is up by 8% in a day and 12% in a week. BTC rallied by 40% in a month and 60% in a year. Now, BTC needs to jump by around 30% to hit it’s all time high of USD 20,000, reached in December 2017. Meanwhile, other coins from the top 10 club are up by 4%-11% today.

“Bitcoin is the big winner from the current macro environment” Anthony Pompliano, Co-founder and partner at cryptocurrency investment firm Morgan Creek Digital Assets, told Reuters. “As we saw coming out of the 2008 liquidity crisis, inflation hedge assets do very well when the Fed steps in with QE.”

As reported by earlier today, according to Northman Trader founder Sven Henrich, as long as BTC can remain above the breakout trend line it has “significant technical room higher.”

“Also note BTC is showing some retracement action and has room lower for a potential retest of the trend line. But note that inside the larger wedge consolidation a potentially much more bullish pattern has emerged, that of a potential inverse which would point to near [USD] 17,000,” he said in his note yesterday.

He added that “a true test for BTC as a hedge against fiat currency destruction” would be if BTC and stocks decouple from each other.

“For example: A drop in equities while BTC races toward the 17K technical target. That might convince to support the argument,” Henrich said, adding that “We’ll likely know more on that front in the next 3 months or so.”

Meanwhile, Mike McGlone, a commodity strategist at Bloomberg Intelligence, said that previous BTC resistance at about USD 10,000 may transition toward USD 20,000 in 2021.

“Certain supply leaves demand as the primary price metric, and most indicators remain positive,” he was quoted as saying by Bloomberg. In October, he said that “bitcoin is on track for USD 100,000 in 2025.”

However, Empire Financial Research’s Whitney Tilson said on Wednesday that he still regards cryptocurrencies as “a techno-libertarian pump-and-dump scheme” and recommends most investors avoid them, the report added.

“The once dismissed asset is now acknowledged by traditional finance,” Dave Chapman, a Hong Kong-based executive director at OSL, a cryptocurrency brokerage, told Reuters. “It’s not going away, and it has now been afforded the regulatory clarity from regulators, globally.”
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