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Telegram Mini-Apps Devs to Earn TON Through Newly Launched Adsgram

Hassan Shittu
Last updated: | 2 min read
Two hands hold smartphones with the Telegram logo and a stylized ad icon, highlighting the integration of adsgram, a new advertising platform, within the Telegram app.
The TON Foundation launches adsgram, a new advertising platform designed to help Telegram mini-app developers generate revenue.

On June 25th, the TON Foundation introduced Adsgram, a new advertising platform for Telegram designed to help developers generate revenue from their mini-apps. This initiative allows developers to integrate ads directly into their applications and earn Toncoin (TON), creating new income opportunities within the TON ecosystem.

Developers on Telegram Can Now Earn From Toncoin Through Adsgram

Unlike Telegram’s existing ad platform, which primarily serves channel owners, Adsgram focuses specifically on mini-apps and bots.

This third-party platform connects developers with a comprehensive advertising system featuring various ad formats, including 15-second video ads, static banners, and channel subscriptions.

Adsgram supports common ad payment models like cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM) and provides developers with essential performance data such as click-through rates, conversions, and fill rates.

As of May 2024, Adsgram’s network has achieved up to 8 million daily impressions. Gamee and Fonton Fantasy Football are among the mini-apps already using the platform, attracting users from countries like Nigeria, Bangladesh, and Germany.

Adsgram’s current advertisers include major exchanges, TON-based games, and other services, with CPMs varying between 0.5 TON ($3.8) and 2 TON ($16) based on target demographics. This promising start positions Adsgram as a potential solution for developers seeking viable monetization strategies within the Telegram ecosystem.

Vadim Sterlin, co-founder of Adsgram and developer of the popular Telegram game Fantongamebot, spoke to the platform’s potential for addressing monetization challenges within Telegram’s GameFi sector.

Reflecting on his own experience, he stated, “As a founder of a major game in the Telegram ecosystem — Fantongamebot — I faced a big challenge monetizing our game.”

Before Adsgram, developers like Sterlin often found it difficult to generate revenue without resorting to direct ad sales.

Following a $50,000 grant from the TON Foundation to develop its initial product, Adsgram’s launch coincides with growing concerns about security within the TON ecosystem.

TON Facing Huge Security Threat Amid Growth

The launch of the Telegram Ton Adsgram platform comes at a time when the TON ecosystem is grappling with a rise in phishing threats that could jeopardize its decentralized applications and millions of users.

SlowMist founder Yu Xian recently brought attention to the increasing number of security breaches targeting the TON blockchain.

These attacks primarily exploit vulnerabilities within the ecosystem’s message groups, airdrops, and bot forms, aiming to deceive users and steal their TON wallets.

While intended to enhance privacy, the introduction of anonymous numbers on Telegram has inadvertently made users, particularly those without additional security measures like two-step verification, more susceptible to phishing attempts.

In a bid to support the TON ecosystem amid these challenges, Bitget, in collaboration with Foresight Ventures, is launching a $20 million TON Ecosystem Fund to support early-stage projects.

This fund seeks to foster innovation and offer comprehensive support, including liquidity provisions on the Bitget platform, to aid in project development.

This initiative comes as TON experiences rapid growth, surpassing Ethereum in daily active addresses and witnessing its total value locked (TVL) reach $600 million thanks to new projects and assets like TON-based Tether (USDT).

Toncoin, TON’s native cryptocurrency, has also reached new heights, hitting an all-time high of $8.17 amidst this period of growth.