20 Handpicked Crypto Jokes for Your Entertainment

Sead Fadilpašić
Last updated: | 2 min read

It’s that time of the week, Cryptonews.com is back with jokes and memes shamelessly taken from the internet and assembled into an article. Sure, you may have been able to find these on your own, but would you have the pleasure of reading our commentary?

Well… maybe not reading the commentary would be a plus. Nevertheless, we are not deterred. Following a week filled with cautiously optimistic news such as the Bank of America filing for yet another blockchain patent, shares of Italian football club Rimini 1912 being purchased for cryptocurrency, and Yahoo! Finance implementing a live crypto trading interface, there is hope yet for the prices.

And, even though you may have laughed at the shilling attempts following Musk’s tweet, this time we bring you content to make you laugh with the rest of the community instead of at them.


You’re not my mum, you can’t tell me what to do! Don’t listen to the bus. Do HODL.


Bitmain apparently holds more than 1 million BCH, and it needs to go somewhere…


You know, this is pretty positive. I wouldn’t even be sorry that I didn’t buy the dip if the price kept increasing.


If you’re unsure how much you’ve got left until you break even, especially if you’ve bought in at the ATH, check this out.


This caption was so good that we didn’t even bother to crop it out. Credit to the original poster. And yes, let’s hope that this is what it will feel like to try and short.


There’s always hope that 10K is also a dip of some sort…


A heartwarming message from a truck. HODL.


Although this video is hilarious from beginning till the end, the thing that tickled us the most is the fact that they used Warren Buffett.


A truly moving moment for us all.

Matthew McConaughey reacts to Andreas Antonopoulos’ testimony from r/Bitcoin


How did the Simpsons get everything right?!


After all, this has more devastating plot twists than Game of Thrones.

Just turned off Netflix. Going to watch this instead… from r/Bitcoin


If fanwork is this funny, how funny would a real South Park episode about crypto be?


To be fair, it does hurt, especially if you have no previous experience…


The only way to get more than one bitcoin currently.


Make The Rock proud!


We wonder what 2019 will bring.


She just doesn’t get you the way crypto does, bro.


To make you feel better about not getting “hilariously rich.”


It’s easier to blame everything else than DYOR.


Similar to the Buffett meme from above. Drake knows what’s up.
