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Sealana’s Presale Nears End: What’s Next for the Solana Meme Coin?

Joel Frank
Last updated: | 1 min read

Exciting new Solana meme coin Sealana ($SEAL) will be wrapping up its presale on June 25, at 6 PM UTC.

The Solana-based meme coin plays the tunes of American patriotism and political satire, featuring a chubby seal mascot inspired by South Park’s notorious “World of Warcraft guy” – messy, and obese with an insatiable appetite for junk food.

Originally a purely Solana-based token, Sealana has expanded to become multichain, offering a BNB Chain version of $SEAL plus allowing $SEAL purchases on Ethereum (ETH).

The project’s token presale strategy adopts a ‘send to wallet approach’, enabling buyers to acquire $SEAL with SOL, BNB, or ETH, or even via bank card.

Its website did not specify a soft or hard target – or a token supply – for the completion of its presale.

But with the evident success of its fundraising efforts with over $3 million raised, Sealana has clearly captured the attention of the Solana meme coin community, renowned for embracing projects with a controversial allure.

Solana meme coin $SEAL offers a fixed rate of $0.022 throughout the duration of the presale.

Learn More Here

Solana Meme Coin $SEAL token airdrop underway post-presale

The team behind the project has official announced the end of the presale via the X post below:

Once the presale concludes, the $SEAL tokens will be delivered to participants via airdrop.

And thanks to its multichain presence, the tokens will be airdropped directly to presale buyers, regardless of whether they used SOL, ETH, or BNB, thus eliminating the need for manual claiming and the expense of paying gas fees.

The airdrop will take place a few days post-presale.

Amid the frenzy for meme coins, the future of $SEAL to lead the pack of Solana-based meme coins is promising.

It’s possible that it could even achieve the same success as another meme coin with a similar, successful presale in Slothana (SLOTH).

For potential investors, it is not too late to secure $SEAL tokens at its presale rate!

Don’t miss out on this opportunity – head over to the presale page now to make your purchase and join the excitement.

To stay updated on the latest developments around Solana’s hottest meme coin Sealana, you can join its community via X and Telegram.

Buy SEAL Here

Disclaimer: Crypto is a high-risk asset class. This article is provided for informational purposes and does not constitute investment advice. You could lose all of your capital.