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Gaming Titan Konami Teams Up with Avalanche to Introduce NFT Solution ‘Resella’

Ruholamin Haqshanas
Last updated: | 2 min read
Konami Teams Up with Avalanche to Introduce NFT Solution 'Resella'

Konami Digital Entertainment, the renowned Japanese game developer and publisher, has joined forces with the Avalanche blockchain to introduce a new non-fungible token (NFT) solution called “Resella.”

This collaboration aims to revolutionize Web3 services by offering a streamlined platform for companies and organizations seeking to incorporate blockchain technology into their operations, according to a report from Venture Beat.

Source: Avalanche

The Resella NFT platform is designed to simplify the entire process of creating, issuing, and trading NFTs.

It aims to eliminate the complexities associated with external Web3 wallets and intricate cryptocurrency transactions, making it more accessible for newcomers to engage with blockchain technology.

Resella to Support Transactions in Yen

It is worth noting that Resella supports transactions in Japanese yen, catering specifically to the local market in Japan.

However, the platform has plans to expand its functionalities to cater to a global user base.

In addition to its primary goal, Resella also serves as a bridge between traditional gaming and the Web3 space.

By making Web3 technologies more accessible, Konami Digital Entertainment aims to create an inclusive environment where businesses from various sectors can explore blockchain innovations.

Resella envisions new social experiences within the Web3 ecosystem, allowing NFTs from gaming environments to be used as event tickets or to unlock exclusive in-game content.

Powered by an Avalanche Subnet and supported by Ava Labs’ AvaCloud Web3 launchpad service, Resella ensures efficient operations with zero gas costs for users and consistent processing speeds.

This smooth transaction experience solidifies its appeal as an NFT solution.

The gaming industry continues to benefit from Web3 technologies, leading to the development of supporting infrastructure.

Ronin, a blockchain platform focused on gaming, recently announced a new zero-knowledge (ZK) Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) layer-2 chain to scale Web3 games.

By introducing this dedicated ZK chain, Ronin aims to help game studio partners grow and accommodate more users, ultimately creating a unified gaming ecosystem that allows token swaps, asset transfers, and NFT trading between layer-1 and layer-2 games.

NFT Products Hit a Barrier

It is worth noting that there has been a trend of companies discontinuing their involvement in the NFT space.

Back in March, Starbucks, the renowned multinational coffee chain, made the decision to terminate its NFT rewards program.

In January, gaming retailer GameStop announced the closure of its NFT marketplace after scaling back its crypto services over the past two years.

More recently, X (formerly Twitter), under the ownership of Elon Musk, discontinued a feature that allowed premium users to use NFT images as their profile pictures.