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Exclusive: Dune Analytics’ Arnaud Simeray Says Platform is “All About Accessible Crypto Data”

Ruholamin Haqshanas
Last updated: | 3 min read

Dune Analytics is on a mission to make crypto data accessible to everyone, according to Arnaud Simeray, the Go-to-Market Lead at the company.

Simeray, who talked with Cryptonews correspondent Matt Zahab at the Consensus 2024 conference in Austin, Texas, shared insights about the platform’s mission to revolutionize access to blockchain data.

With analytics capabilities across 30 blockchains, Dune empowers users of all levels, from casual enthusiasts to major corporations, with on-chain analytics.

“Our mission is to make crypto data accessible,” Arnaud said.

“Anyone who needs access to on-chain analytics can go to Dune, dive into the data, and build an amazing dashboard. Most of it is public and available for everyone to access.”

Dune Caters to Both Retail and Institutions

What sets Dune apart is its versatility, catering to both retail users and large organizations.

For retail users and crypto enthusiasts, Dune offers intuitive dashboards to track trends, assets, and market movements.

Meanwhile, for larger organizations, Dune provides in-depth analytics crucial for strategic decision-making.

“Whether you want to track your meme coin assets or analyze trends like the ETF launch on Bitcoin, Dune makes it possible. It’s all about making crypto data accessible, no matter if you own billions of dollars in Bitcoin or are trading your next meme coin on Solana.”

Dune Analytics also has a unique ability to spot emerging trends before they go mainstream.

Arnaud noted the current popularity of DePIN and RWA, as well as the ongoing significance of DeFi.

Dune allows users to compare these trends and gain insights into market movements, helping both institutional and retail investors stay ahead of the curve.

Introducing Dune Catalyst, a recently launched service, Arnaud explained its impact on blockchain analytics.

Dune Catalyst enables the onboarding of any blockchain within a couple of weeks, whether it operates on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) or not.

It offers a fully managed, white-glove service as well as the option for chains to push their data to Dune independently.

This means that app chains like Optimism Rollup or Arbitrum Orbit can go live on Dune within just 30 days.

When addressing the challenges in blockchain analytics, Arnaud highlighted the complexity of accessing public blockchain data.

“It’s ironic, but while public blockchains are available to all, understanding the data can be difficult,” he said.

Dune aims to centralize this information, making it accessible even to those without SQL or other technical expertise.

Bobby Lee and the Promise of Bitcoin

At the Consensus 2024 conference, our correspondent also had the pleasure of sitting down with Bobby Lee, CEO and founder of Ballet, and author of the Wall Street Journal National Bestseller, “The Promise of Bitcoin.”

“Self-custody is the cornerstone of true financial independence,” Lee told Zahab.

Ballet’s Cold Storage card offers a simple, secure way to store Bitcoin, Ethereum, and over a thousand other coins and NFTs without the need for electronic devices or complex setups.

“It’s about making self-custody accessible to everyday people,” he explained, highlighting the card’s ease of use with no setup or recovery phrases required.

Jack Jia and the Birth of USD3

Next, we spoke with Jack Jia, CEO and founder of, about their revolutionary new stablecoin, USD3.

As the latest entry into the stablecoin market, USD3 aims to bridge the gap between traditional banking and the burgeoning crypto economy.

“Stablecoins were initially created to circumvent banking restrictions, but to scale from $150 billion to $3 trillion, we need to integrate deeply with banks,” Jia stated.

USD3 is a fiat-backed stablecoin designed for real-world payments and seamless integration with local banking systems.

“Imagine moving money from local banking rails to a US dollar stablecoin on a cheap EVM network,” Jia said, painting a picture of a future where stablecoins offer unprecedented utility and accessibility.

Hunter Rogers on the Evolution of Tron

In our conversation with Hunter Rogers, Senior Ecosystem Development Lead at Tron DAO, we delved into the rapid growth and future plans of the Tron blockchain.

With over 200 million accounts and $58 billion in USDT transactions, Tron is a powerhouse in the crypto space.

“We’re always looking to innovate and stay at the forefront of technology,” Rogers said.

He highlighted Tron’s ongoing initiatives, including a new Bitcoin layer 2 and an AI fund aimed at supporting groundbreaking projects.

“Our goal is to integrate blockchain into everyday life so seamlessly that users may not even realize they’re using it,” Rogers remarked.

Consensus 2024: From Dune Analytics to Politics

Cryptonews reporters Rachel Wolfson and Matt Zahab were on the ground at Consensus 2024. Taking interviews from industry leaders and pioneers, as well as prominent analysts, they bring you the latest updates from one of the biggest crypto events globally.