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Crypto: The Game Makes 2024 Emmy Awards Ballot For Best Emerging Media Program

Julia Smith
Last updated: | 2 min read
Emmy awards, Crypto: The Game, crypto game

Crypto: The Game made the 2024 Primetime Emmy Awards ballot for outstanding emerging media programs on June 14, according to the legendary award show’s nominations-round voting site.

Crypto: The Game Makes History With Emmy Awards Nominee Ballot

Should the “Survivor” style interactive game make the formal ballot when voting ends on June 24, it would mark a big step forward in terms of greater recognition for blockchain-based entertainment, particularly when it comes to mainstream audiences.

According to the Emmys website, the interactive media categories honor nominees whose work possesses “exceptional distinctiveness, inventiveness, and impact” while “expanding the conventions of program format, content, audience interaction, and delivery.”

Other contenders up for the official emerging media ballot include Jean-Michael Jarre’s Versailles 400, The Pirate Queen with Lucy Liu, and Doja Cat: The Scarlet Tour in VR.

“First they ignore you. Then they fight you. Then you’re placed on an Emmy ballot,” Crypto: The Game founder Dylan Abrusacato said in an X post.

Built on the Base blockchain, Crypto: The Game divides players into tribes. Players must compete against a series of challenges to win what has amounted to hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of cryptocurrency in the past.

The elimination game first gained notoriety back in February following the launch of its first season when a pseudonymized user from Japan known as “MFL” won $115,000 of Ethereum through prioritizing friendliness and compassion to his fellow contestants.

The second season, which sold out in a record-breaking 13 minutes, proved to be slightly more cutthroat when an unknown user known as player 733 took home $210,000 in Ethereum.

Uniswap Labs Acquires Crypto: The Game As Demand Heats Up For Season 3

News of Crypto: The Game’s making the coveted Emmy ballot comes the same week it was announced gaming giant Uniswap Labs had acquired the game.

“As part of this acquisition, the CTG team will join Uniswap Labs to continue their work on the highly anticipated Season 3,” a June 10 press release stated. “The team will also experiment with onchain activations for the Uniswap community.”

Despite the acquisition, the formal start date for the third season of Crypto: The Game has yet to be announced. Uniswap touted that it was looking forward to exploring “new consumer crypto experiences” ahead of its release.

Official Emmy ballot nominees are slated to be announced on July 17.

The 2023 Primetime Emmy Awards will take place on September 15 in Los Angeles, CA.