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Can BudBlockz (BLUNT) Become as Popular as Chiliz (CHZ) and Enjin Coin (ENJ)?

Disclaimer: The text below is an advertorial article that is not part of editorial content.

If you are looking for the best crypto project to invest in right now, popularity is a key factor for future growth and success. In the end, higher demand for a coin will only push its price up, so investing in a popular project may be key to seeing your crypto portfolio skyrocket.

CHZ and ENJ are two coins that have been in the spotlight recently, but can BudBlockz become as popular? Read on to find out about what makes these crypto projects stand out from the crowd. 

What Is BudBlockz?

While many coins are popular right now, BudBlockz has something that not many provide: real-life use cases. BudBlockz is a decentralized, marijuana-focused platform for cannabis enthusiasts, investors, and key players in the industry. 

Positioning itself as the first marketplace where cannabis buyers and sellers can finally interact safely and securely, BudBlockz creates a community that binds people from all over the world.

One key factor is that, while e-commerce is available only where weed is legalized, anyone can buy NFTs on the platform. In turn, the token holders obtain fractional ownership of marijuana businesses all over the world. Hence, BudBlockz is best positioned to reap the benefits of the global marijuana industry, which is expected to reach more than a $175 billion market cap by the end of this decade. 

Can BLUNT Become as Popular as CHZ and ENJ?

CHZ has become very popular among sports fans. Essentially, the token allows teams to interact with their most ardent supporters. Unlike BLUNT, CHZ has been around for several years, attracting many fans who wanted to support their favorite clubs. ENJ is another veteran coin, popular among gamers. The token allows owners to monetize their gaming content and hold NFTs. 

There are some clear advantages of BLUNT over these already-established coins. Apart from the ability to invest in marijuana businesses by purchasing NFTs, BudBlockz offers multiple ways of earning rewards. For instance, the Ganja Guruz NFTs will bring discounts to users who make transactions on the platform, while gamers can join competitions whose rewards will be in cryptocurrency. 

BudBlockz has several strong use cases that could clearly become more popular than coins like CHZ or ENJ. Whether it appeals to investors, marijuana consumers, or businesses in this industry, the diverse use cases of BudBlockz could attract even more enthusiasm, turning into a quick rise in BLUNT’s price. 

Bottom Line

There is huge potential for BLUNT to gain more market share as the crypto winter carries on and leaves many other coins in the red. Some analysts are bearish regarding ENJ’s potential to regain all of the lost territory. At the same time, as the launch day for BLUNT approaches, BudBlockz is a crypto project set to generate impressive returns for investors given the long-term strategy of the decentralized marijuana platform. 

Learn more about BudBlockz (BLUNT) at the links below:

Official Website: 

Presale Registration:: 

Telegram Group: 

Discord Server: 

All BudBlockz Links: