. 0 min read

Navin Vethanayagam, Chief Brain at IQ.wiki, on The Future of AI & Blockchain, and more


Navin Vethanayagam serves as the Chief Brain of the IQ.wiki platform, working to grow the site's traffic and community. He first joined IQ.wiki, formerly Everipedia, as a founding team member at 19, gaining experience in community management, marketing, press, and international business. He was previously the Chief Community Officer of Everipedia, where he focused on growing the site's traffic by focusing on its community, social channels, and press relations. He is also the Galaxy Brain of BrainDAO, which manages the IQ token.

In this conversation, we discuss:

- Gracyscale winning SEC lawsuit
- Friend.tech - here to stay or just a fad?
- The future of AI x Blockchain
- The open-source and decentralized nature of IQ.wiki
- What’s IQ.wiki?
- Hashing edits on Polygon
- The disruptive potential of collaborative AI-blockchain applications
- Significance of AI-powered knowledge tools for Web3 communities
- Verifying content authenticity