Laatste dagen om je reactie te geven op de controversiële Bitcoin ETF-strijd

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Er is nog een week over voor de crypto-community om de Amerikaanse Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) te vertellen wat zij vinden van het voorgestelde bitcoin-gebaseerde exchange traded fund ETF van VanEck. Sinds juni zijn bijna 1.400 opmerkingen ingediend.

Source: iStock/FabrikaCr

De SEC heeft onlangs de periode verlengd waarin zij de opmerkingen van het publiek over de kwestie zal herzien. Vervolgens werden achttien gedetailleerde vragen gesteld over uitspraken in het ETF-voorstel die het publiek aan het publiek had gevraagd om commentaar te leveren.

Jake Chervinsky, een in Washington gevestigde advocaat die gespecialiseerd is in handhaving van de overheid in verband met de blockchain-industrie, tweette:

Een beslissing om de voorgestelde ETF goed te keuren of af te keuren, wordt pas in het eerste kwartaal van 2019 verwacht.

Hoewel de gemeenschap enigszins verdeeld is in termen van de voordelen van een ETF-vermelding voor bitcoin, blijft de algemene consensus dat het op zijn minst een tijdelijke verhoging van de bitcoin-prijs zal bieden. Niet verrassend, Gabor Gurbacs, digital asset director bij VanEck, is een van degenen die geloven dat een ETF grote voordelen zou brengen voor de nummer één cryptocurrency:

Ondertussen zijn sommige leden van de Bitcoin-gemeenschap, waaronder technoloog en seriële ondernemer Andreas M. Antonopoulos, tegen het geld van Wall Street dat in bitcoin wordt gegoten in de vorm van een ETF.

“ETFs fundamentally violate the underlying principle of peer-to-peer money, where each user is operating not through custodian, but has a direct control of their money, because they have direct control of their keys. Your keys – your bitcoin, not your keys – not your bitcoin,” waarschuwde Antonopoulous in augustus en voegde eraan toe dat Bitcoin ETF een instrument zal worden om bitcoin-prijzen te manipuleren, discussies aan te passen en te debatteren.

In beide gevallen, tot 17 oktober, heeft iedereen een kans om te vertellen wat ze denken.

En hier is wat mensen de SEC (onbewerkt) vertelden:

Maxwell Gomersall
To whom it may concern,
I am writing about the Bitcoin ETF decision to express my opinion on your decision.
I believe it is time you stop pushing the decision back and chose what to do, delaying the inevitable simply looks ridiculous. Many have sent you their opinions regrading this topic and are in support of an ETF and not to mention the institutions who are awaitning your decision. Postponing this is not going to change the outcome Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies will have a large role in our future and this is one of the first steps as the innovators America is known as make the right choice and approve the decision as people will look back at this one day and wonder why it took so long to make such a clear decision.
Furthermore, the decision is vital for the US economy as a stock market crash is due and once this happens many will lose their savings and jobs which without a safe and assuring alternative like Bitcoin many institutions will go bust or have no where to place their money making their growth stagnate. This will only be bad for the US economy as if they had the option to invest in Bitcoin they would be receiving positive returns which will lead to growth in their business and therefore growth in US economy despite the market crash which will happen in the next 4 months if not earlier.
I strongly urge you to approve the decision before the opportunity is missed.
Yoirs sincerely,
Maxwell Gomersall


Bobby Mulligan
Dear members and representatives of the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”).
I would like to express my strongest opposition against allowing Bitcoin (“BTC”) Exchange Traded Funds (“ETF’s”).
BTC shows little promise for being effective as a “store of value” or medium of exchange with its transaction costs being much more than the current centralized clearinghouse model that is in place today. Additionally, there is no accountability for transaction clearing, which can be concerning on many fronts. With little more than speculative supply and demand value, the average unaccredited investor can suffer from the “greater fool” phenomena.
In its unregulated and short existence, BTC has existed in an environment of fraud, crime, and speculation, and I do not believe there is true investor value outside of those three factors for the asset. Because of the high transaction expenses, there are no reasonable efficiencies to be had from the BTC technology, though refinement and other applications may exist.
Robert Mulligan


Kenny Huang
Hi, it’s very important to have a Bitcoin ETF because the average Joe’s aren’t sophisticated enough to buy and handle the complexities of owning Bitcoins. The Bitcoin ETF makes the whole process safe and transparent. Bitcoin and crypto assets aren’t going away. It’s NOT a fad. Please approve this

A Bitcoin ETF is a natural next step in the evolution of finance and I fully support this effort. Do not be on the wrong side of history, rather propel the future and approve this measure.

Jason Keller:
Approve the ETF.

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