What Does A Looming Recession Mean For Your Savings?

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Source: eldarnurkovic/Adobe.

Times are increasingly uncertain. The dollar has lost more than 10% of its value in the last month alone. The FED and other central banks are printing paper money like crazy, causing inflation – similar to what happened in Venezuela a few years ago.

People have many concerns about preserving the purchasing power of money. With a looming recession, having protection against inflation is crucial. No one knows how it will end and what the consequences will be.

Protecting yourself from inflation

Some of us buy gold, but this commodity is becoming increasingly difficult to access. Others are buying shares, but they are generating fewer profits at record valuations. Despite this difficult situation, prices are rising, while the risk is increasing. The gap between Wall Street and Main Street is now at historic levels.

For those looking for alternative ways to preserve their savings’ purchasing power, many are using cryptocurrencies. Why? Well, it’s because Bitcoin is a digital hard asset that cannot be printed. Its limited quantity is what gives it a more stable value while preventing negative aspects of inflation.

The popularity of Bitcoin is unparalleled because many well-known people understood these benefits from the very beginning. Among these, some of the most popular owners of Bitcoin are Snoop Dogg, Paris Hilton, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and Mike Tyson.

How do I get started? What do I look for?

The first thing you need is a crypto wallet. It’s like a traditional bank account, except for cryptocurrencies and you own the deposits, unlike a bank. Once you’ve got your crypto wallet, you should register with a platform where you can buy Bitcoin. A good clue that you’re on a secure platform is if they take you through a standard verification process.

Selecting the right platform to start buying requires you to focus on one main feature – speed. Some exchange platforms will make you wait a few days, but that is not ideal for obvious reasons. You want to buy your Bitcoin with a platform that will get your coins instantly.

Instant Bitcoin, is that possible?

You’ll find a lot of cryptocurrency exchange platforms online, but there are only a few that are trustworthy. We strongly recommend Xcoins, because of their speed.

Xcoins has prepared a $10 promotion for first-time Bitcoin buyers. The bonus they’re offering automatically increases the value of the Bitcoin you’ll receive.

