MoonApp Provides Advantages for People with Disability and Low-Income

Disclaimer: The text below is a press release that is not part of editorial content.

MoonApp, a blockchain platform for adults, wants to improve access to the investing world for people with disability and low income.

Soon, MoonApp will organize a giveaway with 3 exclusive MoonApp films. Also, it will offer secure jobs for the targeted public, the opportunity to be part of the NFT marketplace team, and more. The goal is to provide different products and advantages to people with limited physical activity and poor jobs. Through this, they will have the opportunity to earn profits and improve their perspective.

About the advantages provided

MoonApp decided to offer the following:

  1. The MoonApp team is organizing a giveaway for the first 3 exclusive MoonApp films. They have identified three socially unstable categories they want to benefit directly: people with disabilities, the African community, and the Latin-American community. MoonApp will undertake total financing, implementation, and sale.
  2. Next, the NFT marketplace team will consist of community members with disabilities. MoonApp will provide them with secure jobs, communications, and tech departments.
  3. Furthermore, MoonApp launched the Ambassadors program, where everyone from the socially unprotected categories can take part for free from anywhere in the world. Thus, they will let anyone earn money even before the launching of the platform and before the release of the token.

Anyone who feels socially responsible and wants to contribute to the area proposed by MoonApp can easily join the project and give their suggestions.

The idea behind the project

MoonApp sees its social responsibility in helping people with disabilities and low-income people worldwide. Since these social groups are not fully protected and/or poorly adapted to society, there are various personal risks for them, such as becoming antisocial and suffering from psychological disorders or depression. Often these people are demotivated and broken. 

The MoonApp team has set itself the task of not only helping people with limited physical activity and poor jobs but also creating a decent community for these people based on the project. 

The first advantage for people with disabilities is the complete adaptation of the site and all applications for the unrestricted use of the platform, such as tools for the use of the project by visually impaired, hearing impaired, blind persons, and others. Subtitles will be generated for all content on the platform, and sign language translation will be used in some fragments.

By purchasing $XXX tokens, anyone can stake them and earn passively and actively by voting. Screenwriters, directors, and investors can work remotely, allowing anyone to participate in the MoonApp launchpad. Even if you are on your own, you can quickly assemble a team for filming remotely on their launchpad. 

What is MoonApp?

MoonApp is the first-ever Web 3.0 interactive streaming blockchain platform for adults. It operates anonymously on multi-redirect and uses an extensive network of proxy servers. The MoonApp provides an incredible experience for end users and a significant opportunity for creators.

The MoonApp project implements the first-ever decentralized launchpad that enables both productions (studios, actors, models) and investors to receive direct benefits and opportunities. The online platform for adults can be managed directly to the user’s device based on the best cryptocurrency and blockchain solutions.

The MoonApp team consists of experienced individuals, coming from large and medium companies dealing with fintech, and a good understanding of the obstacles and paths to their solutions. Now, the MoonApp team is in the process of KYC and smart contracts auditing with Coinscope .

Contact for more

More information is available on the official website and their socials: Twitter and Telegram


Disclaimer: The text above is an advertorial article that is not part of editorial content.