CryptoUnit Scam Assumption Inspired By Rampant Fraud on Investment Market

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CryptoUnit Scam

The investment industry is by far the biggest attraction for people seeking to break free from the vicious circle of salary expectations and its spending that loom like the sword of Damocles over the heads of average people. Looking for investment opportunities for improving one’s financial standing is a necessary and noble task that requires not only a good level of financial literacy, but also vigilance, as the amount of scams and fraudulent projects on the market is staggering.

The increasing financial literacy of the population in light of the global economic crisis spawned by the pandemic is rapidly making people reconsider their priorities. Due to the difficult geopolitical situation and the crisis, they can no longer rely on the state or banks for having their savings and assets secured from volatility. Therefore, each person has to learn to save, invest and increase their assets through the formation of portfolios.

The pandemic has also shown that the increased financial literacy of the population has led to cost rationalization and the reduction of spending on unnecessary services. The past 20 years, which have been marked by both wealthy and crisis periods, the people of many countries have finally changed their approach to funds. It used to be fashionable to waste money left and right on expensive cars, clothes from leading brands, jewelry, etc. But in light of the crisis and the reality that globalization is extremely vulnerable to even the slightest tribulations, people are paying more attention to value deals, visiting cheaper stores, and looking for other ways of cutting spending. Rationalization has replaced emotion.

New Global Economic Reality

The rich times are over and it is simply naive to believe in the promises of the authorities about impending normalization, as every hope devolved to fear. The transition to a competitive culture in which the ability to manage personal assets is key is coming to the forefront with all of its ensuing responsibilities and requirements from every participant of the global economy. Investing as an art will have to be studied and the rules for creating equity capital considered when dealing with every penny.

Increasing financial literacy will force banks to change as well and start offering better terms and products. The prosperity of financial institutions is backed by the rash desires of people to acquire a new goods and services, fur coats, cars, luxuries and other products for palpating the pleasures of life and boasting before complete strangers, and therefore consumer lending retains its leading positions as the best-selling product. The financial organizations do not take any responsibility for the behavior of their clients, and do not care about them, as they get their profits and then get rid of the borrower without regret in case of defaults.

But soon, such a strategy will lose its effectiveness and the realities of the new global economy will force people to look for ways of improving financial standings on their own. To remain operational, companies and people will have to move away from conservative politics, otherwise, fintech programs will replace them. More importantly, the amount of projects on the market is growing and many are offering considerably better investment proposals than banks or exchange market options.

Too Good

In fact, some of the offerings on the market are too good and too lucrative to be true. The reality of the matter is that frauds and scams take up an immense portion of the projects launched in the investment sector and their only desire is to dupe investors into giving up their money. Promises of 20 to 30 or even in the hundreds of percent of returns on investments are unrealistic at best, as the most investors can hope for is 5-10% returns per year in the most optimistic of cases.

The more exalted and exuberant the promise, the clearer it is that a project is a scam. Unfortunately, the low level of financial literacy is creating a profitable breeding ground for scams to reap the money from trusting newcomers to the financial market. Even experienced investors are falling victim to the more elaborate and well-packaged offerings of sophisticated scams that are starting to mask their shady businesses under the guise of honest undertakings.

Weeding Seeds From Chaff

As unfortunate as it may be, honest projects are suffering from the reputations of unscrupulous projects that are proving to be scams. It is not unusual and even right for people to start suspecting any newcomer project of malignant activities the moment they enter the market.

The fate of being branded a scam could have even befallen a harmless and beneficial project, such as the CryptoUnit project, which is entirely devoted to improving the financial literacy of the population. “CryptoUnit scam” is the first thing that comes to mind the moment new investors see the project. Going straight to Google and typing in “CryptoUnit scam” is the first reaction of those who have been harmed by the actions of nefarious projects. The suspicion and general mistrust that has permeated the investment environment is understandable.

However, the CryptoUnit project’s essence easily disproves the “CryptoUnit scam” accusation by virtue of its operational history and track record of an honest and globally recognized educational project. One of the reasons why “CryptoUnit scam” will not yield any negative reviews from search engines is because the CryptoUnit project has a large following and an established community of thousands of people around the world.

One of the key goals of the CryptoUnit project is providing financial literacy to the participants of its courses through lectures given by some of the leading entrepreneurs and business specialists in a variety of industries. The focus on instilling proper approaches to the management of budgets and uncovering personal potential are what makes the courses at the CryptoUnit project the basis for attracting more participants.

In addition to being an educational undertaking, CryptoUnit is fully regulated by international norms and legislation.


The global order of seemingly full interdependence between countries has collapsed under the weight of the pandemic and bred a crisis of worldwide proportions. In light of the increasing activity of scams seeking to take advantage of the chaos on the investment market and the growing interest of populations in financially sound approaches to the management of their assets, the need for proper education becomes paramount. It is in such conditions that projects such as CryptoUnit come to the forefront as valuable and beneficial undertakings that seek to serve their participants with knowledge and experience sharing events.
